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Lamb's Ear Plants

Q.bringing lambs ear in for winter

Zone 72653 | Anonymous added on December 9, 2018 | Answered

How can I bring my large lambs ear inside for the winter?

my lambs ear is in a big pot outdoors. It is below freezing now and I cover it at night. In the sun it perks back up again. MY QUESTION.. HOW CAN I BRING LAMBS EAR INSIDE SO IT WONT FREEZE AND DIE? it comes back in spring I know. It is too beautiful to let die. It was in the house last winter and was small and sickly. I repotted outside in the spring and it is so big. so is the container.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on December 9, 2018

Some plants just do better outdoors and lambs ear is one of them. It is in its nature to go dormant during winter as many hardy perennials do. Your plant is rated hardy in zones 4-7. (In a container, think of the plant as one zone colder than your actual hardiness zone.) Ways to winter protect container plants outdoors include the following; bury the plant, pot and all, in the ground; surround the pot with leaves bagged into leaf or trash bags; buy a frost cover for the pot; or place the pot in an unheated garage. You need to water the plant lightly every 4-6 weeks so the soil doesn't completely dry out if it doesn't receive rain or snow. Winter kill is mostly due to 3 things; roots caught in wet soil for a prolonged period of time; temperatures much colder than the plant can tolerate or winter winds stripping moisture from the plant that roots can't replace when the soil dries out. At this time of year, your plant will already be in the process of going dormant. If you want to bring it indoors, provide supplemental lighting and make sure it is in fast-draining (sandy) soil, not regular potting mix. Water less often and don't fertilize as the plant won't be actively growing. The following article goes over the steps to successfully bringing a plant indoors for the winter: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/houseplants/hpgen/acclimate-plants-indoors-winter.htm

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