Q.Bringing a Hibiscus Tree indoors.
Last winter I moved my Hibiscus tree indoors. It did OK until early spring in WI. We were invaded by tiny bugs. We moved the tree outside and treated it w a stay that killed the bugs. The tree lost most of its’ leaves , but did OK b mid summer.
I would like to bring it in again, but don’t want the bugs.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
You can use a spray of neem oil, rosemary oil, and just a little bit of coconut oil mixed in warm water. This natural spray is safe to use at any time, and is what I use to prevent insects on my own houseplants.
Here is an article for even more natural insecticides: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/special/organic/natural-home-pesticides-organic-garden-pest-control.htm