Q.Brand New Hardy Hydrangea Flowers Rotting
I bought a hardy hydrangea online because I live in South Texas and it is hard to find any hardy plant here. We planted it, watered it, until one day I noticed the beautiful blooms shriveling up and falling off. Have not watered it since. What do you think caused this? I don’t have a photo and I don’t know how to upload one
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Make sure it is getting enough water. Hydrangeas need water at least once a week. Does it get afternoon shade? They also prefer an acidic soil. Here is more:
A newly planted hydrangea has a very small root system so as soon as the plant begins to experience any form of heat stress, the leaves will lose moisture faster than the roots can replace the water. Examples of heat stress: too much sun (give dappled sun or morning sun until 10-11am in the summer; no afternoon sun in the summer; no evening sun in the summer), high temperatures (85F or higher), windy conditions, newly planted or transplanted; plant is not acclimated to sun and has been in bright shade most of its life, etc. (florist hydrangeas).