Q.Boxwoods suffered winter kill
Boxwoods suffered winter kill. Somewhat extensive. How can I try to renew them? They are approx 15 years old, 3 feet high, 3 feet in diam.
When you say the winter kill damage was extensive do you mean that the damage extends beyond the foliage (for example - is the bark splitting?) And are only the tips of the boxwood impacted - winter burn commonly just yellows the tips of boxwoods but can be deeper and take over a whole bush in more severe cases.
The best thing you can do to help your boxwoods recover is to prune the dead and damaged parts of the plant. You can cut back the tips of the damaged branches to just above a green living leaf. - it is okay to do major trimming in the early spring once the threat of extreme cold snaps has passed and before the boxwoods sprout new growth.
For more information on how to protect your boxwood from future winter injury, please read the following link:
For more information on pruning boxwoods, please visit the following link: