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Sea Holly Plants

Q.Bought 2 roots for a Blue sea holly

Zone Des Allemands, La 70030 | Jillmgranier added on March 27, 2018 | Answered

The holly which has been planted in Largs pots for at least 2 years, probably 3 years. has only produced beautiful plants with only leaves. It has never had one flower. I live in south Louisiana and thought it would be perfect in this climate. Please help me get my plant to flower

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on March 27, 2018

It is normal for them to not flower the first year. Since they are in container, and have a large taproot, then this can further set them off another year, or even a few. I would give it another year, and if you see no flowers then you may be faced with putting them in an even larger and taller container to help the taproot grow to its full potential.

This article will give you more information on the care of these: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/flowers/sea-holly/sea-holly-flowers.htm

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