Q.Bougainvillea Seems Super Low-energy, With Flowers And Leaves Keeps Falling
Hi, I got a bougainvillea tree at home. A few days before we experienced a wonderful flower boom from this tree. However, these days, it doesn’t looks well, with flowers and leaves falling down, and stems dry out. I water it on a weekly basis, and it sits right in front of our window so the sunlight should be enough. I wonder what is wrong with this tree, or is it normal for it to be like this periodically? Please help me out, and all advice is appreciated! Thank you in advance, and I’m looking forward to hearing from you!

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Bougainvilleas need direct sun, warmth and consistent moisture to thrive. Growing them indoors is always a challenge. I'm not clear whether yours was outdoors to start and it was brought in for winter or you had recently purchased it, and it has always been indoors. They typically are an outdoor plant and in cold regions are brought in for the winter. They normally go through flushes of bloom followed by a period of nonblooming. But indoors it is hard to give it enough light without supplemental grow lights. For the winter, you can let it go dormant and lose its leaves and just water enough to keep it alive till you can get it back outside in the spring.