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Bougainvillea Plants

Q.Bougainvillea Pruning

Zone 90025 | kgroundw added on June 15, 2016 | Answered

My husband aggressively trimmed a neighbor’s Bougainvillea plant that was inhibiting a pathway between our properties. He cut it back so that now on one side (south-facing) there is virtually no green growth anymore. There is still plenty of green growth on top and on the north side and the edges. Understandably, our neighbor did not appreciate this. First of all, do you think this plant will be able to generate new growth from this south-facing side? Secondly, what fertilizer could you recommend to encourage new green growth?

A Contrite Neighbor

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 16, 2016

Pruning should be down when the plant is semi dormant, which is in fall or early spring.
This plant is likely stressed from this untimely trim.

Bougainvillea are heavy feeders and need regular fertilizing when actively blooming.

A 6-8-10 formulation is good for Bougainvillea applied monthly. You may even find a specific product for Bougainvilleas.


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