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Birch Trees

Q.Bottom half. What should I do?

Zone Zone 4 lester prairie mn | Anonymous added on June 5, 2016 | Answered

Bottom of river birch clump not budding. Branches are flexible but no buds. Transplanted 2 yrs ago and both growth on bottom. Lost one stem early this year so only 3 remain. What should I do?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 5, 2016

Mulching and proper watering are vital to River Birch success.
I also garden in the great state of MN. I'm afraid I have had numerous friends lose their River Birch trees with them not having a very good lifespan in their yards.
I do believe the harsh winters are very hard on this tree.
Here is a great link with good care instructions.


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