Q.bottlebrush drying out?
I planted a bottlebrush about 3 weeks ago. I’ve watered everyday (but not deeply, just surface) and it’s in full sunshine. But, my plant is yellowing and leaves are getting crisp and easily fall off. Help! Don’t want to lose plant. What am I doing wrong? Should I dig up and plant in pot? Use miracle grow? Yikes!
Thank you,
Worried gardener
What growing zone are you in? Bottlebrush can be planted outdoors in zones 8-10. Colder zones a Bottlebrush should be kept in a pot.
You soil should be well draining. Make sure the soil is moist, but never soggy.
You mention shallow watering, but you will need to make sure the moisture reaches the roots. It is important to maintain moisture levels, until the plant is established. Check the plant daily for the first 2 weeks, then you can start to back off on the watering.
Applying 2 to 3 inches of hardwood mulch will help with moisture retention.
If the branches snap and break off, they may have died. You can check the entire plant.
Here is a link to refresh you on the care requirements.