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Bottle Palm Tree

Q.Bottle palm problem

Zone 34209 | fkteeter added on September 29, 2018 | Answered

One stalk of my three-stalk bottle palm has lost its leafy top. Does this indicate a potentially fatal threat to the entire plant or is random leaf-loss on any stalk a natural periodic event (meaning the plant is ‘fine’)? If this isn’t normal, should I remove the leafless stalk at the base, leaving just two stalks, or should I attempt to treat the leafless stalk (and if so, with what/how)? Thanks for the help!

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 29, 2018

In this case, a photo will help greatly. This could be a number of issues, from fungal/bacterial, to a pest physically eating your leaves, to even wind damage.

A photo will help me to determine what course of action needs to be taken.

In the meantime, this article will give you information on the care of these palms: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/trees/bottle-palm/caring-for-bottle-palm-trees.htm

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