Q.Boston Ivy growing on church building
We have a heritage church upon which climbs Boston Ivy. It is more prolific on the northern facing wall; however, it has climbed around to the left side, west facing front of the church. Over the years we have had volunteers climbing up ladders in order to trim it back. After having some floor repairs done, we were told that we needed to lower the gardens at the front of the church owing to dampness in that area.
We are planning to do this at the end of May,however our dilemma is that a major root of the vine is positioned here. We are unsure of when this vine was planted but our church is celebrating its 175th anniversary of granting of the license this year, in December. We are concerned about damaging this major root as we don’t want to kill the vine. Is there any suggestion that you can offer us with this problem?

Transplanting the Ivy can be done at most any time, though spring would be a good time.
You can dig up as much of the roots as possible and move to it's new leveled home into moist soil.
You could also propagate cuttings of Ivy, this could help in the case of possible plant loss in the transplant, keeping the heirloom Ivy safe and ensuring the plant will continue.