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Container Ponytail Palm Trees

Q.Bonsai Ponytail Palm

Zone 13166 | Anonymous added on August 13, 2017 | Answered

Our Bonsai Ponytail leaves have all dropped and look wilted. We have had this plant for three to four years. It has been doing well until the last few months. Can’t check soil as plant was potted in stones. Don’t really think we have over watered it as we only water every two to three weeks. The leaves are still green. We were about to discard it and buy another until we started doing some research. Now we hoping we might be able to do something to revive it.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 14, 2017

Since you've had your Bonsai Ponytail Palm for a few years, it's time to think about repotting it. The size of the pot, the amount of sunlight and the water situation are the three main things that will affect the growth of your palm. This article may help you:


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