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Hyacinth Plant

Q.blue morning glories

Zone 46135 | L & M Hurst added on June 27, 2017 | Answered

For the past three years I have bought packages of BLUE morning glory vines as I have over several years. I even went to a new vintage packaging, thinking that would help BUT…they have begun blooming and not in heavenly blue but purple blue a THIRD year. What is going on? Blue flowers are hard to find and heavenly blue delight me and have been my go-to ones. Ideas? Suggestions. Once they start blooming despite the picture, it’s too late to rip out and start over, of course!

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 28, 2017

There are a couple of possibilities for your blue morning glories coming up with purple blooms. One is that the wrong seeds have been accidentally placed in the packet by the seed provider. The second is that your morning glory plant has been cross pollinated by another type of morning glory growing nearby. It is recommended that "Heavenly Blue" morning glory seeds are purchased new each year, as seeds the plant produces tend to revert back to the purple color. Keep trying and good luck!

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