Q.Blooms Turning Rust Color
Having a problem as the weather turns hotter. . . many of the blooms begin turning rust color. Some are all brown. Water well, just wondering if you could tell me what is wrong. The plants are big and are about 4 years old. Leaves look great.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
A number of things could cause this, depending on the type of plant. Most likely the blooms are being cooked by the heat. Even if you water the plants, in high temps, it's more difficult for the blooms to get enough moisture in order to protect them from sun damage.
Sometimes it is just the age of the bloom, which will start to turn brown as the bloom ages and dies. It can also be caused by windy conditions that cause a bit of wind burn. Sometimes it can be caused by a fungus or insect problem, but the plants will usually show other signs of distress.