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Blood Orange Trees

Q.Blood Orange TreesI

Zone Port Richey FL | Anonymous added on December 11, 2018 | Answered

I planted a ( Blood Orange Tree) about five years ago and as of now it has not bloom a single bloom can you help

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on December 12, 2018

If you are sure about the identity of the tree, from a reliable source, then the next thing I would check is if the foliar crown is originating from the grafted scion/stem and not from below the graft. If a sucker has grown up from below the graft and dominated the foliar canopy, then it will not be true to the grafted variety. This is a common issue.

The next considerations are soil fertility and water management. Nutrient deficiencies and water deficit can cause physiological stress and suppress flowering.

You don't state if it's in the ground or in a pot, but in any case a good citrus fertilizer may help:


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