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Bleeding Heart Plants

Q.Bleeding Heart coming up in January

Zone 28625 | that_guy_gardener added on January 27, 2017 | Answered

I live in zone 7b and it seems really early for bleeding hearts to begin coming up. I was wondering if I should continue to cover them at night or if they will come back up in the spring. Thanks for any help!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on January 29, 2017

Sorry but I was referring to the dicentra bleeding heart.

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Answered on January 29, 2017

Will the bleeding heart return this spring?

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Answered on January 29, 2017

There is little that you can do if your plant has come out of dormancy.
You can cover the plant if the temperatures dip but Bleeding Heart can endure cold temperatures, just not below freezing.


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