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Bleeding Heart Plants

Q.bleeding heart

Zone St cloud Florida 34771 zone 9 | Anonymous added on May 9, 2017 | Answered

Someone gave me a bleeding heart starter in a pot, from their plant (pink & white) it was beautiful pink & white, climbed the porch railing got big big big etc. Cut it back after Christmas.the plant is coming fine again in the pot, but the flowers are not pink but pure white. I liked it better pink. Anything I can do?.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 10, 2017

Pink, white and red are the common colors of Bleeding Heart. It's possible that your plant seeded itself and that is why you have a new color making an appearance.
There is nothing you can do or add to the soil to change the flower color.

Here is a link to refresh you on the care requirements.


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