Q.Blackberry pruning-I’ve read your article back in 2017 regarding the subject. As a long-term volunteer of the Mutual Girls Club
here in Bartlesville, clarify something for me please. I have uncovered what I believe to be a Hilmalaya Blackberry patch that has been smothered in a dense wooded area. Your instruction read as follows: Spring–cut canes back to 24 inches. I did not do that this spring as all canes are now first year growth. Next spring does that mean to cut all bushes back to 24 inches?
This fall all of the canes are new and I plan to let them grow and clean up the patch next fall per your directions. Is that correct?
Hopefully the girls will get to pick some berries one day.
Bob Korthase
Some pruning should be done every spring to keep the plants from becoming tangled and to improve their ability to bear. Prune trailing blackberries in the spring for good growth habits. Prune each main cane back to 3-4’. Then cut back side branches to about 12”, leaving five or six buds on each. Erect and semi-erect varieties should be tipped or cut back to 3-4’ in midsummer. This forces lateral branches to emerge from buds below this point.