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Blackberry Plants


Zone Springfield, MO 65802 | Anonymous added on August 7, 2018 | Answered

I have new shoots that have come up in the grass near the berries. I want to move them to the main row. I have done this in the past but have not been too successful. There is plenty room for them so if you could tell me the best time to do this it would really help. I have good plants and large berries. And thorns on all but a few plants. Also what kind of fertilizer do you recommend? I am doing cleanup and would like to get them all ready for winter.

Thank You for your help.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 10, 2018

Suckers are quite easy to dig up and relocate. You can also place them in pots until they have a more fully developed root system. Use a good quality potting soil and keep in a bright location and keep soil moist.


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