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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Black Buds on Hibiscus

Anonymous added on August 14, 2011 | Answered

I have recently planted Pere Hibi Luna Pink Swirl in my yard. Two plants are near the foundation of my front cement porch, the third in a separate bed away from the house. The two plants have many buds on them, but they have begun turning black and I suspect will not bloom. What could be causing this and how can it be corrected? Is there a soil pH that I should be watching out for? (Previously in this same bed I had black eyed Susans. They grew well but always the leaves had black spots on them. ) I am watering them daily and have fed them each week since planting them three weeks ago.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 14, 2011

They are likely bugs. Many of the smaller bugs attach to the plant and move very little. Treat the plant with neem oil and that should take care of them.

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