Q.Bizzare Squash Being Produced
I don’t know where to turn to for my garden mystery. Last year and this year I planted spaghetti squash and winter (butternut) squashes very close to one another. Unbeknownst to me until now, they apparently cross pollinated. This year, I purchased the spaghetti squash plant, but I planted this winter squash seeds from one of last year’s fruit. Last year, I produced spaghetti squash and some sort of ‘alien’ squash. These unknown creatures were orange like pumpkins, but they were column-like, NOT spherical the way most pumpkins are.
I threw them away – far off property, because I could not find out what they were and whether or not they were edible and/or safe to eat. This year, I have a pumpkin, a summer (yellow) squash, spaghetti and winter butternut squash all planted close to one another. And, yesterday, much to my disappointment (as the plants appear to set records for yield), I noticed that the green fruit that would be shaped in a familiar butternut squash shape is that of this ‘alien’ that I had last year. Could anyone *please* let me know where I can find out what this is?

You have encountered cross pollination!
Here is a link with more information.