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Bird Of Paradise Plants

Q.Birds of Paradise outdoors plants

Zone Tampa, 33615 | Anonymous added on July 25, 2017 | Answered

Hello, we have few plants of Birds of Paradise ( more then 20 years old)- big ( white-blue flowers) This summer leaves turning brown new leaves coming green then start getting brown edges and finely getting brown. Look like sun burn but this is the same spot for many years . Now if is rain season, but very hot in the day time. Please advise! Thank you in advance.
Another problem with small plant ( orange – purple flowers) – more then 10 years old, blossomed only once, and only one flower. On direct sun,
We ga fertilized it few time – without effect

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 26, 2017

Excess fertilizer could be an issue if you have fertilized.
Also overspray of herbicides or pesticides can effect the plants in this manor.
Fertilize every 3 months with a slow release, balanced fertilizer. A 10-10-10 formula.
Though full sun locations can give you the best flowers, full sun can easily scorch the leaves of your plants.
Morning sun with afternoon shade is best in warm climates.
You can also help the plants by maintaining moist soil. Mulching with 3 to 4 inches of hardwood mulch can help keep the plants moisture level even.
Remove dead plant material from the plants and around the plants. Wash away insects from the plants with a hose.
Avoid injuring the plants when pruning, weakened plants are susceptible to pests.


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