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Bird's Nest Ferns

Q.Birds Nest Fern

Zone Sydney | hogus added on August 18, 2016 | Answered

I have a fern that has been trampled by people walking on it. Can I trim back fronds for it to regrow? How much should I cut back? Also should I fertilize around outside of plant or inside? Thank You

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 18, 2016

For the fern's optimal health, it is probably best to not trim the fern except that you can remove any fronds that look dead. It will recover nutrients from the damaged leaves, shed any leaves that it doesn't need anymore, and then regrow when it is ready. However, if you want to trim it back to improve its appearance, you can remove the damaged fronds as long as it still has some left.

Yes, you can fertilize around the outside of the plant.

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