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Bird's Nest Ferns

Q.Birds nest fern damaged leaves

Zone Victoria Falls Zimbabwe | tony8565@gmail.com added on October 3, 2015 | Answered

Please, can you help with my birds nest fern? All new leaves that come out are badly damaged. I can’t seem to see what is eating them but they look as though they are being eaten before they even unfurl. Overall, the plant is looking unhealthy. It is in an outdoor shower with good light but shady and waterered via misters daily. Temperatures here are very hot.

many thanks

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on October 6, 2015

Thank you very much for taking the time to answer my question. Currently these ferns are being watered with misters, so the center is getting wet with spray as they would with rain, is this a problem and should I move them?

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Answered on October 5, 2015

Though it does appear something has been eating the leaves, it may also be watering issues.

Bird's Nest Ferns will actually do better with a bit more dry soil. Make sure the water is not hitting the center of the fern directly.

Treat the plant with Neem Oil, this should take care of the insects and is safe for people and pets.

Here is a link to refresh you on the care requirements.

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