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Bird's Nest Ferns

Q.Bird Nest fern

Zone Lavaca County Texas, above Victoria. | Anonymous added on April 7, 2016 | Answered

My Bird Nest fern has brown spots on some of the leaf edges. It is in an 8-inch pot. I water it when dry, and I fed it with Osmocote 1/2 strength just today, April 7. What causes the brown edges?


A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 8, 2016

The humidity might be too low. Also, you should probably not let the soil dry out, the soil of a bird nest fern should be kept consistently moist. Brown tipped edges are also attributed to too fertilizer but that doesn't sound like what is happening here.

For more information on the bird nest fern, please visit the following link:

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