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Q.best product to shelter roses for winter

Zone Colorado Springs 80920 | Anonymous added on October 18, 2020 | Answered

I have purchased 18 circular rose huts to help my roses make it through the Winter. I live in zone 6. The huts are 12″ at the base, 8″ wide at the top and 22″ tall. I want to use the best possible product to cover the individual roses at the base of the plant and will use enough to build up to about 6″. The hut will contain the product all winter. I’m considering good dirt, leaves, gorilla hair, and mulch. What would be your recommendation?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 19, 2020

The protection for rosebushes is to keep them cold once they have gone dormant. Those strings of warm weather we can get and then sudden returns of freezing weather is what kills the rosebushes. Here is a link to an article on winter care/prep for you: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/flowers/roses/roses-winter-care.htm

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