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Beefsteak Tomatoes

Q.Beefsteak Tomatoes on porch

Zone Balch Springs, tx 75180 | Alababy1939 added on May 21, 2014 | Answered

Growing Beefsteak tomatoes on porch in 7″ long stray pot. that is already 3 ft high. Also have some Betterboy, not tall as Beefsteak. Do I need to put them in the ground?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 21, 2014

They look so Good scare change them ground doing so good, Beefsteak and Betterboy , Beefsteak is 3 feet tall tie to stick and Betterboy not has tall tie to stick too. S help doing right bring when was kid now 75 year old. So Thank very much for help.

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