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Beech Trees

Q.Beech Hedging Is Not Growing

emmagibber added on October 31, 2011 | Answered

we planted beech hedging on top of our stone wall 2 years ago. we followed the guidelines given with the plants. unfortunately it has not flourished at all it looks sparse and has hardly had any growth. we desperately wanted it for some privacy for our garden but it seems to be a disaster. it did have some green leaves for a short time this summer but they did not last long and have fallen off now. we thought it was supposed to be a year round hedge? some of the hedges have a few brown leaves on now.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on November 6, 2011

You may have a fungus that is attacking the plants. This would stunt the growth and cause leaf loss. Try treating the plants with a fungicide to clear this up. As a precaution, you may also want treat for pests with a pesticide as this may also cause issues on the plants.

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