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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Because of Drought I Put Red Mulch Around My Peach Trees

hummingbird added on May 12, 2012 | Answered

I planted two peach trees three years ago. The last two years they have produced fruit. Because of the drought in southeastern GA. , I put red mulch around them to retain moisture. Now they seem to be dying, why?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 14, 2012

If you put the mulch to thich to the tree you could cause rot. I know it sounds crazy but if you put too much mulch down and then water very heavily you can cause root rot. Another reason the trees could be dying from the mulch is black walnut bark and wood being used to make the mulch. Finally, some horse farms are using a herbicide that lasts in the soil for two years and if the mulch company is using shavings from horse farms it could effect your trees. Are you maintaining a spray schedule to combat fungis,bacteria and bug problems? Contact your local county extension office and they can help. If they can't answer your questions over the phone, they will usually come to look at your trees.

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