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Sweet Bay Laurel Trees

Q.Bay leaf in a container

Zone Nashville, TN | terri.mccoy@comcast.net added on March 16, 2015 | Answered

I left my 3′ bay leaf outside but in the corner of our deck. I live in the Nashville, TN area. The leaves are brown. Is it dead or should I trim back or just buy a new one?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on March 16, 2015

Didn't you have some serious cold this winter?
I live in central Florida and have a bay leaf in a pot also. However, I always bring it in for the winter. I think because we had so much rain last year.....mine got all dead looking leaves also. I trimmed it back a little and it did come back just like new. Perhaps you should wait a bit and see if any green shoots start coming out with the nicer weather.

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