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Banana Plant

Q.Banana trees

Zone Country | Anonymous added on April 10, 2018 | Answered

I have a clutter of about 17 banana trees. They got so tall last year that I decided to cut them back brutally, about 6inches from the soil. It’s now mid April and they seem not to be shooting at all. Have I lost them? They are well established and have been there for some 15yrs.
I am in north west France, but the climate is pretty much like U.K. It has been a mild winter.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 10, 2018

I see no reason your Banana Trees should not come back. Cutting to the ground or very hard prune is quite common. Often the leaves are placed over the ground to add additional winter insulation.

Give the plants more time.

These links have more information.


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