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Q.Banana Tree

Zone Zone 6 | Chartin added on April 17, 2023 | Answered

This banana tree is 3 years old but will be its 2nd summer with me.not sure if the bugger stocks take longer or what it has already put off 3 pups.i think it maybe infected with something. It was so big and beautiful if anyone knows what’s wrong with it or what I can do.thanks

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 17, 2023

Eventually, The main parent of every Banana plant dies off. They spread by underground rhizome (by the root) so if you break that clump apart a little and give it some fresh soil, it should send up another healthy pup. Once it does, you can divide some of them out into their own containers.




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