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Bamboo Plants

Q.Bamboo plant

Zone Lebanon mediterraneean zone | Hana added on October 2, 2017 | Answered

I recently bought a 2m. High bamboo plant . The nursery guy said keep it in a plate of water and water twice daily . I did that but after a month i noticed the leaves getting yellow and the tips brown and dry . I reduced the watering and no more water in the plate under it . So is it watering pbs or sun pbs or doesnt need fertiliser and what kind of fertiliser . Please help! Thks

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 2, 2017

It does show signs of overwatering from the yellowing tips. Depending on how crowded it is in the pot, it may need to be up-potted. Bamboo can be fertilized with a general purpose fertilizer, slow release fertilizers prevent over fertilizing. This article may help you

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