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Bamboo Plants


Zone Johannesburg | kabelotony added on December 11, 2016 | Answered

How do you control the speedily growing bamboo shoots that grow almost everywhere? I thought of a simple solution to pour diesel over them, and kill them from down to their roots/mother host.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on December 11, 2016

Diesel will permanently damage the soil where the bamboo are growing and may cause runoff problems, so that is not advisable. Instead, using a herbicide and/or mecahnically removing the bamboo is a much better option.

The bamboo is probably growing from underground rhizomes (spreading roots). A combination of digging up the rhizomes at the bottom of each plant, repeatedly applying glyphosate herbicides to each plant that reemerges, and repeatedly mowing down the plants that emerge will allow you to get rid of them. These articles will help:

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