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Balloon Flowers

Q.Balloon Flower Plants

Zone Papamoa, Bay Of Plenty, New Zealand | gazzagtnz added on January 14, 2016 | Answered

My self-seeded Balloon flowers this year have all fallen down flat while flowering, and I was wondering if this was because the seeds germinated sitting on the top of the soil and not planted deep enough to help withstand its own weight. However, I see in your notes about propagating from seed to sprinkle the seeds on top. Can you tell me why they are not withstanding their own weight? I’m talking about all of the 10 plants I have.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on January 14, 2016

This is a common issue with Balloon Flowering plants.
Dwarf varieties have less of a 'flopping' issue and taller varieties can be held up with support circles or even staking them.
Cutting the plants down midsummer can help keep the height in check and also encourage more blooms.


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