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Q.Bag Compost

Zone Ca2 4al | Anonymous added on September 6, 2021 | Answered

After opening a bag of compost yesterday, flying insects attacked my face and my eye is swollen and closed. Before I seek medical attention, what would these tiny insects be?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 18, 2021

These are likely gnats or black flies. Many companies don't sterilize their bagged compost and soil because they don't want to kill beneficial bacteria. Sometimes the bags have leaks and insects get inside and lay their eggs. If these are gnats, they shouldn't be harmful, but if you're concerned, you may want to contact the store where you purchased the compost, and take show a sample of the bugs to your local extension service for identification. Here's some info:

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