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Butternut Squash Plants

Q.Bad Tasting Winter Squash

Anonymous added on September 22, 2012 | Answered

I work at a large community garden. Our winter squash turned out yucky. Delecata were inedible, bland, mealy, pasty, dry and definitely not sweet. Thought they were over ripe but the butternut are equally tasteless. Acorn ones too. Was it too much water? Something missing in the soil? Outwardly they look great. Plants and squash were all large and healthy looking. . . but they are flavorless to down right bad tasting. Any ideas?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 24, 2012

The most common reason for bitterness or bad flavor is stress to the plant. Too much heat, too little water or uneven watering are the most common reasons for this stress.

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