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Azalea Plants

Q.Azalea have sooty Blackmold on leaves and stems

Zone Bridgewater, NJ 08807 | Anonymous added on November 6, 2018 | Answered

First time, I have at my home all Azhalea plant leaves and stems have powdey Black Sooty mold and some dendralions are dying and have white fungus on stems

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on November 7, 2018

There appears to be a scale insect pest (white spots on the stems). The scale is a sucking insect that excretes a sweet honeydew on which a 'sooty mold' grows. The sooty mold is not harmful except to shade the leaves from sunlight, but the insect pest at this level is a serious condition.
I believe the plants are susceptible to the pest infestation due to nutrient deficiencies, indicated by leaf discoloration which is characteristic of poor soil fertility.
I recommend that you fertilize with a slow release complete organic fertilizer like the Dr Earth Acid Lovers on this page:

Professional applicators would soil drench with a systemic insectide with dinotefuran

I'm not sure about the other plants. The white material could be lichens or a fungal secondary growth on the dead stems, and not the cause of the mortality.

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