Q.Azalea diseased
My azaleas are suffering with what appears to be lichen. Last year I tried cutting off the affected branches. This year there are more. The adjacent ash tree also has branches affected similarly but still sprouts leaves. Please advise me what to do. Photo attached.

These azaleas have been beautiful bloomers until the last season. I was hoping you could identify the green lichen-looking stuff, as the branch die-back seems to be following it. I read the articles and none of the photos matched what is happening with these. I will examine the branches closest to the roots to look for phytophthora. I am afraid I will lose all 3 if I don't apply the correct treatment.

I can't determine an exact cause of the poor growth on your Azalea. The most likely causes are pests and disease.
These articles will help you pinpoint the issues and how to treat.