Q.Avocado Tree From A Seed
I planted an avocado seed outdoors and after many years the tree is huge and just the other day I found one avocado, but it never flowered like I’ve read. Can someone explain why after all these years I only have one avocado and is way up high. Should I somehow remove the avocado? Why only one? Thank you
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Unfortunately, it can take up to 13 years to see a decent fruit set from seed. It could also be that there is not another tree of the opposite flowering type in close enough proximity to promote fruiting. They will not fruit very well on their own.
As for the fruit that is on there- It won't make much of a difference whether you leave it on or take it off. Either way will not harm the tree in any way.
Here is an article for more information: