Q.Avocado plant help
I’ve been growing an avocado plant for going on 2 years, It’s been growing straight up producing more leaves and getting taller at 2′. It just started sprouting looks to be another branch coming up from the bottom stem. Is this good and how do I maintain good growth. I live in southern Alabama and the plant stays outside pretty much all year unless frost is coming. It is in a fairly large container. Any help would be appreciated.
Ken B.
Here is a link for the photos. https://photos.app.goo.gl/aMr1e1Jd8mqNoNze6
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Remove the secondary stem, allow the tree to grow up with only the one primary stem. Fertilize with a complete organic fertilizer.
Don't over water, avocados are susceptible to root and crown rot. Water deeply and then let it dry out in between.
Avocado is a large growing tree and can take several years before it produces any fruit. They are also frost sensitive. Be sure you have the pot on wheels so you can move it easily.
Here is general care: