Q.Austrian Copper Rose Bushes
I have some Austrian Copper rose bushes that grew well for the first two years but last year began turning yellow mid summer. I suspect my neighbor’s watering system may be hitting them and they may be getting too much water. I reduced the bubblers watering them in my system. What would be the best way to help them get a healthy start this spring?
If over watering is the problem, perhaps see if you can build something that will deflect the water and slope the garden soils so that water that does make it to them will run away better. Then I would suggest feeding the rosebushes with a good organic based rose food, such as Gro Rich Rose and Perennial Food. That will feed both the bush and build the soils home for the root system. Some Super Thrive and Root Stimulator mixed in some water given to each rosebush a couple times early on will give them a nice start too. I also give my roses 1/2 cup Epsom Salts each year, scratched into the soils and watered in well.