Q.Aucuba Japonica Variegata (Gold Dust)
We want to transplant one of these shrubs to a location in the garden where it can serve as a screen to our neighbor’s back door. It is currently in a confined space next to an evergreen tree so it has some height, about 5 ft but is only about 2 ft wide. When is the best time to transplant this shrub and what did we need to do to ensure it adapts and takes in its new space – fertilize? Trim? New soil? Compost?

I would recommend transplanting in the fall. Dig as large of a root ball as you are able to handle.
Make sure you dig the new hole twice as large as the root ball and keep the plant at the same level as it was previously.
Water daily for at least two weeks, then you can cut back.
Here is a link with more information.