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Aster Plants


Zone 12020 | lantinore added on September 18, 2017 | Answered

Can you plant Asters in the fall? I just received a pot of them and they look like they need to be replanted.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on September 19, 2017

Fall is a good time to divide and transplant many perennials. Keep watering all the way through fall; don't let the soil dry out. When choosing a spot for it, keep in mind that many asters are tall and the lower leaves turn yellow and fall off by late summer. The exposed stems give an unbalanced, top-heavy look to the plant so something in front like the geranium Roxanne, to hide the bare stems, will look better. I've also read that one can prune asters in June, cutting back by half, to reduce overall height. This delays bloom time by 1-2 weeks.

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