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Asparagus Ferns

Q.Aspargus Fern (Out Doors)

Zone UK | Anonymous added on February 19, 2018 | Answered

On this site I have just found the fern I have been looking for. It states ASPARAGUS FERN PLANT (ASPARAGUS AETHIOPICUS SYN) ASPARAGUS DENSIFLORUS. The picture is the fern I am looking for but everything is coming up as an indoor plant & not an out door plant. Please can you tell me the right name for this out door plant & where I can purchase one from. My Father had one of these ferns (Out door ) that came up year after year. But when first breaking the soil the heads just looked like asparagus tips. Your help in this matter would be very much appreciated as this fern reminds me of my Father. Kind Regards

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on February 20, 2018

In a cold climate you can keep an Asparagus Fern indoors, they can go outdoors after danger of freezing temperatures.
I have mine indoors now and it does very well in a sunny window growing in a pot. I do like to set it on a pebble and water tray to help with humidity in the winter dry air.

Check with your local garden centers or greenhouses. They may be more common as it draws closer to spring. You can purchase your plant as a small starter plant and they grow quickly.
You may also be able to locate these ferns on line. Just Goggle 'aspargus fern'.


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