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Asparagus Plants

Q.Asparagus post harvesting

Zone Maidstone Kent UK | skc1959 added on June 3, 2017 | Answered

We have just taken over an allotment which has asparagus which we would like to move to another place on the allotment. This year we were to late to have an harvest because it has bolted. What should we do between now that late September, when we plan to move them.


A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 4, 2017

Let them flower and seed. You can actually plant the seeds next year or throw them out. They are very toxic so be careful. Don't trim them back til you move them. This will make a better harvest the next year. I don't know if they are in pots or a garden bed but if your digging them up you have to dig a very wide deep hole since the roots spread out flat and deep. Resow the roots on a mound and drape them over it.

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