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Asparagus Plants


Zone Pittsburgh, PA | Shwallywally added on May 9, 2015 | Answered

I currently have 2 asparagus stems that are 4+ feet high. I was told I could cut them an inch to two inches off the ground. Push the cut piece into the ground. Then it would root and catch, starting another asparagus plant. I wanted to know if that is true. Also, since those 2 asparagus plants are so big, can I still harvest them?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 9, 2015

Asparagus spears are most tender when they are 6-8" long. You can harvest your asparagus spears, it's just they may not be very tender.

Unfortunately, asparagus will not root from cuttings. Here is an article that explains how asparagus can be propagated (seeds or crown division):

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