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Asparagus Plants

Q.Asparagus 4 yr old crowns

Zone Waikato | Anonymous added on September 23, 2019 | Answered

I have 4 of them which are very hard in the middle and the asparagus spears are unable to push through. If any do come through around the outside of the crown, then they have brown scales on them and are also hard

What can I do to remedy this and what causes it

Thanks Dorothy

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 26, 2019

I cannot find any disease or insect problem that would cause this so it may be a soil problem. Before planting, did you loosen and enrich the soil? Asparagus needs very loose, sandy soil and if you have poor soils, amendments need to be worked in. I am attaching information about the proper site for asparagus. You can also try getting a soil test done to see if the pH is way out of whack or essential nutrients lacking.



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