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Artichoke Plants

Q.artichoke treatment in winter

Zone Serra da Estrela PORTUGAL | VIntequelhas added on November 4, 2015 | Answered

I planted some good artichokes this year and most of them did well during a very hot summer. Now with autumn already kicking and a good portion of grass around I’m wondering what should I do to properly keep them till next year. It’s the first time I planted then so unsure how to best treat them during autumn and winter in my mountain area. It’s a valley but still rough. Love artichokes, so I wanna keep them well.

Kind regards
miguek Veiga

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on November 6, 2015

If your temperatures do not get below 14 degrees F. you may be able to winter over your plants.
The link below will help.


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