Q.Artichoke (Globe)
I bought an Artichoke plant 3 years ago. The package said it was a Globe Artichoke. All it does is flower and spread. Is there a trick to getting the actual artichoke to come out?

The part we eat is from the immature flower bud. If the buds or "globes" are not harvested, then the 6-inch bluish thistle-like flower heads develop. The edible portion of the "globe" is composed of the fleshy bases of the flower bracts and the receptacle to which the bracts are attached, known as the "heart". When harvesting, you should choose one that is dark green and it should be tight and compact. Avoid those that are beginning to open.
This article should also help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/vegetables/artichoke/growing-artichokes.htm